Top 10 Non-Wearable Supreme Products

10. Beach Ball

What better way to start off than a Supreme staple. If you need a Supreme accessory but don’t fancy yourself on a skateboard, the beach ball is perfect for you. You’ve always played volleyball right?

9. Crowbar

If you’re a roadman (if you don’t know what that is, check here: Roadman), then this is the perfect accessory for your escapades when you need to rob your mate of his Tonal Bogo that he bought off SupTalk. He didn’t need it anyway.

8. Louis Vuitton Deck

The perfect partner for cruising the mean streets to meet up with your other Basement pals. They only sold it for a couple of weeks because, unsurprisingly, Louis Vuitton weren’t too happy with the pattern on the deck. Can’t imagine why.

7. Dog Bowl

Supreme just couldn’t stay in the human market forever. This dog bowl is great for the canine who needs people to know he’s a hypebeast (literally). If you by chance don’t have a dog, you can pass it off as a normal bowl I’m sure.

6. Bling Towel

You need people to know that you like Supreme while you’re at the beach, and the shorts don’t say Supreme loud enough. This is for the man who wears the Uzi Chain 24/7 and his one complaint about it is that the chain isn’t wide enough.

5. Ceramic Ashtray

Nothing that special about this really, it’s red and its got a weird pattern on it. But it says Supreme on it. If you don’t smoke then just buy some for effect. Plus it’s never too late to start.

4. Hammer

This is the product for all those Facebook page admins out there. There’s a rules post but people keep bumping their posts after one minute. This is the best thing to pair up with your Ban Hammer, plus with this one you can use it to put up your new Kate Moss Supreme poster.

3. Fire Extinguisher

Your LPU (Latest Pick Up) posts are just constant flames; Yeezy’s one day, Palace Tri-Ferg t-shirt the next. You’ve finally made the step to stop the fire of your posts. Plus, you always need to flex, even when dealing with fire.

2. Airhorn

You’re trying to get through the crowds in London, there are people wearing non-Supreme all around you (thats so last year, right?), and you need to get to the Soho store quickly otherwise you won’t get in the queue early enough to get the brand new box logo t shirts dropping tomorrow. It doesn’t matter that they’re the same as the last 3 years. This airhorn is the perfect tool for such an occasion.

1. Lantern

Supreme thought about its consumers and realise they need light to view their Instagram feeds while they are out camping on the streets. Plus if you don’t use it for that, there is always that mate who you needed to rob and the lantern would look great with the crowbar.

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